People Who Read My Blog Worldwide!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Wow. I can't believe that in less than one week I will be in Bulgaria! I feel like it's taken forever to get to this point and now, it's here! It's been really hard to say good-bye to everyone and everything that I've known my entire life, but I know that good things lay before me.

I had dinner with a girl, Lindsay, who is a "missionary" in Indonesia and she was so optimistic about her experience and how she believed in me. It really helped to get me more excited about going. She had a lot of encouraging words. She seems to believe that I will have little trouble with getting used to all the changes in customs. She was also pretty realistic about hard times that will be inevitable, which I appreciated. Then she told me this amazing story about how she helped a grandma, who she didn't even think understood her, get eye surgery that helped her to see. It was pretty inspiring and reminded me that what I'm doing isn't about me. It also helps knowing that I have such a large support system here. I will miss everyone beyond belief. I just hope that I will be able to keep in touch with everyone.

Ugh, then I come home and look at everything I still have to do. I have a lot of life to sort through here and pack up and throw out and pack up. The emptier my room looks, the sadder both myself and my parents get. My dad and I did get the skype set up today so we will be able to use that. I hope that will help them with the much as it can help.

Alright, just wanted to put something down for the first blog entry. I have another day of good-byes and packing ahead of me. This means, that I need my rest.


  1. i love that your profile name is foreign gypsy. delightful. please, just don't catch the baby!
    on a more serious note, i'm excited to be your first follower! i can't wait to keep up with all your adventures as you go make a difference in the wide world!
    we miss you already, evan!
    muchas smoochas from the bosher fam!!!
    heather, shad, narcissa, bellatrix and lucy

  2. This should have been titled.."Two words: GO!"
